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Welcome to Connect, the February eZine from
The Women's Yellow Pages of Greater Philadelphia
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From the Desk of Ellen Fisher, Publisher
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Last Wednesday afternoon our eZine Editor, Bonnie, said, "It's that time of month again." Since we are 'of a certain age' here at the Women's Yellow Pages, she was definitely not referrning to her menstrual cycle; rather, she was reminding me that I was late in delivering my story for this column. Nothing newsworthy had gone on in my life during January and I couldn't think of anything to write. Bonnie said, "Take until Monday; maybe something will happen over the weekend."
I didn't have to wait until the weekend; plenty of 'stuff' happened within the next 24 hours.
First, my daughter called to tell us she was thinking of driving home from college during blizzard-like conditions because we live closer to the University of Pennsylvania where she has a Thursday morning class. We called her back to dissuade her, but she was already in transit. The following morning my husband got up early to clean a foot of snow off all our cars. In his haste to get the job done and get off to work, he inadvertantly locked my daughter's keys (the only set) in the running car. With a handful of wire hangers and the help of our next door neighbor, these two white-collar, suburbanite, non-criminals worked on the door for over an hour. They eventually found a hanger that had the right mix between strength and elasticity and got the car unlocked - but not in time for my daughter to drive to class.
That evening, on his way home from work, my husband called to let me know that the roads were awful and that we should scrub our plans for an evening out on the town. I told him I would forage in our basement freezer for something to make for dinner. Before I even opened the freezer, I discovered a puddle of colorful water (melted frozen fruit, I would soon discover) all over the floor. I opened the freezer door and found lots of defrosting (expensive) meat and a huge block of ice in the bottom drawer. I called our other next door neighbor who happens to know all about refrigeration. He came over right away. A handful of other neighbors who know aobut my infamous freezer that breaks at least once a year also came over. It's a neighborhood joke that if you help empty the Fisher-Vance freezer you get to take home things like already defrosted and ready-to-cook steak or lobster tail. We threw away three trash bags of ruined food and also salvaged enough for everyone to have a feast for their next meal. I have to confess that I felt sadder about tossing the soupy Klondike Bars than I did about the freezer-burned prime rib. My neighbor discovered a disconnected sensor plug that didn't trigger the self-defrost mode and he also found a very clogged hose. When all other attempts to unstop it failed, he asked if I might happen to have a wire hanger handy. All my neighbors who had tried to assist and lend advice with the car break-in earlier that day laughed because there were at least 6 hangers still strewn across our front porch.
How amazing that twice in one day we were rescued by neighbors with wire hangers.
I always draw a business conclusion from these odd sagas that occur in my personal life. Today's is quite evident: Any job is easy if you have the right tools. I would like to amend that slightly: Any job is easy if you have the right neighbors (or colleagues) who can help you use the tools you often already have.
I hope that my little story serves as a reminder of just how important the people around you really are.
Ellen Fisher, who is very happy to HANG ON to her current neighbors
Find out where in your neighborhood you can pick up a copy of the 23rd edition of the Women's Yellow Pages by clicking here: pick up your copy. Or browse the entire directory online at www.philawyp.com. We know you are going to enjoy doing business with our advertisers.
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To search the entire Women's Yellow Pages directory, go to www.philawyp.com.
"You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving." ~Amy Carmichael
If you have not yet taken a look at the redesigned Women's Yellow Pages website at www.philawyp.com, please do. Once you are on the site, you will notice that there are now additional opportunities for you to spread the word about your business. During February we are offering some special, reduced-price packages. If you are new to online advertising, don't worry, we will even create your web square or banner ad for you free of charge. Once the calendar reads March 2011, this offer will vanish; so get in touch now at info@philawyp.com or 610-446-4747.
(In this space, we usually feature our Philly Phemale of the Month Q&A. This feature will return soon. To find out the nominating procedure for being a Philly Phemale of the Month, please contact Bonnie Neubauer at bonnie@philawyp.com or 610-446-4747.)
Congrats to...
Eileen Connolly-Robbins, Main Line Chamber of Commerce, for being appointed to the Women's Resource Center Board of Directors.
Helen Coons, PhD, Women's Mental Health Associates, for receiving the 2010 Pennsylvania Psychological Association Psychology in the Media Award.
Ellen Fisher, Women's Yellow Pages, for being appointed to the Advisory Board of the YMCA.
Sharon Humble, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, for receiving a 4th Outstanding Achievement Award in Public/Private Partnerships from the US Conference of Mayors.
Debra Malinics, Debra Malinics Advertising, for eight wins in the 2010 American Graphic Design Awards Competition.
Gina Rubel, Furia Rubel Communications, for being elected to the Philadelphia Bar Association's Board of Governors.
(Attention Women's Yellow Pages advertisers: Please send your accolades to congrats@philawyp.com.)
* List your events for free in the Local Events of Note calendar in this ezine.
** Have your accomplishments and accolades published in the Congrats Corner of this ezine.
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**** Don't miss out! Call (610-446-4747) or email (rates@philawyp.com) today for info on how to be included!
Find out by clicking here: http://www.corsinet.com/braincandy/valtrivia.html . You will also find lots of other obscure tidbits of Valentine's Day trivia.
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Women's Yellow Pages, P.O. Box 1002, Havertown, PA 19083, www.philawyp.com, 610-446-4747
(C) 2011 Women's Yellow Pages.
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