Women's Yellow Pages of Greater Philadelphia


I was a papergirl. I asked my paperboy every day when he was going to quit. When he did, he offered me the route.

Jennifer Cohen

President, Something Creative LLC

116 Shurs Lane, Third Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19127
(215) 530-2090

HOW/WHY CHOSE FIELD: I took a mass communications class where I learned about Public Relations. I liked how it was a mix of marketing and psychology.

DEFINING CAREER MOMENT: I started a consulting business on the side and the day I was fired from my job I landed two new clients. Everything really does happen for a reason.

KEYS TO SUCCESS: Drive, discipline, and social media.

MOTIVATOR: Recognition. I put everything I have into everything I do. I love when a client tells me I did a great job and that their marketing campaign is successful.

MENTOR: My fiance; he offers support, encouragement, and belief.

GREATEST PASSION: Talking; it's amazing how words can change lives.

LEADERSHIP TIP: The more you learn about those you lead, the more you can motivate and encourage. The more you listen, the more they will know you care.

ADVICE TO PASS ON: If something doesn't work the first time, find out why and keep pushing; don't give up.

BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: I love to control every factor I can, but I've learned that sometimes you can't... and that's okay.