HOW/WHY CHOSE FIELD: I took a mass communications class where I learned about Public Relations. I liked how it was a mix of marketing and psychology.
DEFINING CAREER MOMENT: I started a consulting business on the side and the day I was fired from my job I landed two new clients. Everything really does happen for a reason.
KEYS TO SUCCESS: Drive, discipline, and social media.
MOTIVATOR: Recognition. I put everything I have into everything I do. I love when a client tells me I did a great job and that their marketing campaign is successful.
MENTOR: My fiance; he offers support, encouragement, and belief.
GREATEST PASSION: Talking; it's amazing how words can change lives.
LEADERSHIP TIP: The more you learn about those you lead, the more you can motivate and encourage. The more you listen, the more they will know you care.
ADVICE TO PASS ON: If something doesn't work the first time, find out why and keep pushing; don't give up.
BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: I love to control every factor I can, but I've learned that sometimes you can't... and that's okay.