Women's Yellow Pages of Greater Philadelphia


Being the first woman in U.S. Naval history to earn the title of Special Airborne Communications Evaluator.

Barbara J. Doyne, Financial Advisor

Brumbaugh Wealth Management, an Office of MetLife®

Eagleview Corporate Center, 760 Constitution Drive, Suite 100, Exton, PA 19341
(610) 458-2495

FIRST JOB: Detassling corn for a farmer to buy clothing for my sophomore year of high school.

I WISH I HAD KNOWN YEARS AGO: That I knew who I was going to be today so that I could have been more confident and relaxed.

MENTOR: My mother; she is genuine, never falters in her belief in me, and is always there for me.

BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: Evaluate every opportunity even if you think it isn't for you.

HOW/WHY CHOSE FIELD: I completed my MBA before leaving the military, was recruited by a financial company, and decided it was the right place for me.

DEFINING CAREER MOMENT: Earning my Naval Aviation Observer Wings.

MOTIVATOR: Life, in general.

LIFE LESSON: When all you have is your intuition, trust it.

PASSION: My daughter and also rescuing animals.

ADVICE TO PASS ON: Don't go out each day looking for a blessing; go out and be a blessing.